Friday, October 17, 2014

:( Midterm Keep Calm and Carry On

So it was soooooo easy but I did not do well...

Something learnt from this midterm:
1. Never think it is too easy
2. Check it over and over again
3. Do not hand your paper early
4. Read question carefully
5. Believe there is always a trick or keyhole

I made a stupid mistake on question 2. The question asks us to negate a statement and it says  the negation symbol applies only to predicates such as m+n = q. When I was doing the test, I did not read the question carefully. In other words, I totally ignored this sentence and remembered to apply to the smallest part. Then a mistake made that I applied on q. It did not even make any sense. q is a natural number how can I negate it. However, I did not think about it this way. I even explained in words how this could be negative. For part b, I did the same thing again.  It was really stupid and I am so frustrating about it.

However, like Larry proved last class, it is not a big deal. I will get back for test 2. Just learn from my mistakes. Keep calm and carry on. I know I can do this!!!!!

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