After the midterm we started the lecture. Larry was funny as always he pulled out a proof which was:
(I will copy the proof down to review the basic structure of proof)
assume you left all questions blank
#that's pretty bad! -----> remember to put comment when you right a proof
then you get 20%
assume class average is 70% #pretty high!
then you are 50% below average
in this term test #70% - 20% = 50%
then this term test weighs 6% of final grade
# according course info sheet
then you are 3% below average
in term of final grade #6%*50%=3%
then it is below are the acceptable
margin of error #5% in physics
then it is totally acceptable
then it is not bad even if you left everything blank and others did well.
----> remember the last ''then'' will in line with first ''assume''
Last week, we learnt direct proof for universally quantified implication which is for all x belongs to X, P(x) => Q(x).
For example:

However, sometimes it is hard to prove this way so we might try prove the contrapositive of the original statement.
Sometimes it is not clear what P is, in this situation, we use contradiction.For Example, to prove "There are infinitely many even natural numbers." We suppose there is a finite number of even number => then there must be a largest one, call it X => but if I double X => I get a larger number, a larger even number => so X is NOT the largest one.
Hey! I really liked the example you explained here. Cleared things up and I will definitely remember this during the exam.